Monday, March 1, 2010

The Science of Dietary Supplements and their Impact on Weight Loss

There are some diet users who swear by weight control related supplements. From time to time you see them with their supplementary ingredients going through the revised process of taking each element. There is almost a mirage like effect on their mood once they realize that they have taken the supplementary nutrients. I have no evidence that the supplementary nutrients work to reduce weight but occasionally I do get my doubts about the veracity of some of the claims that are made on their behalf. Supplements normally add to the amount of things that you are eating rather than reducing them. Logic suggest to me that addition does not lead to subtraction. Maybe someone might be able to convince me about the claims that are being made about dietary supplements.

You really should only use dietary supplements to replace something that may be lacking in the diet that you are following. They are not there as things that keep you going on a permanent basis. I somehow believe that the best way to deal with your weight control issues is to look for a method of eating the foods that you eat daily but in a clever way such that you ultimately consume less calories than you use up. Getting all obsessed with dietary supplements and getting all depressed if you cannot have them is not a healthy habits. Dietary supplements cannot replace the normal meals that you are supposed to take. If you work under this false premise then you will not be able to achieve health.

Perhaps the only consolation about dietary supplements is that they would normally not cause anything dangerous to your body. If you are taking vitamins till kingdom come, you will not be able to cause too much problems with your body system. I suppose that the lack of terrible side effects is one explanation as to why people continue to take dietary supplements without a care in the world. Had there been serious negative effects then perhaps we will have seen some change in the attitudes of the people who take the supplements.

Until this happens the journey will continue.
The real cost might come if you stop spending money on good quality food and instead opt for the various dietary supplements that have been placed on the market. Dietary supplements can cost quite a bit of money so if you are on a limited budget there is less room to waste your resources on the supplements that do not work. If you are a very rich person then this will not be a problem because you can always have a balanced diet combined with an assortment of dietary supplements.


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